Dr. Bernido is PNRI Deputy Director
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Dr. Corazon C. Bernido was appointed as Deputy Director of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute. She took her oath of office last March 16, 2004 before the Honorable Dr. Estrella F. Alabastro, Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology.
Dr. Bernido got her Bachelors Degree in Chemistry from the College of the Holy Spirit in Manila with Cum Laude honors. She placed tenth during the 1969 Philippine Board Exams for Chemists.
Dr. Bernido served as Supervising Science Research Specialist at the Nuclear Training Section and Officer-in-Charge of the Nuclear Services and Training Division of PNRI prior to her appointment. She served as member of the Board of Examiners for Chemistry of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) from 1993 to January 2004.
Dr. Bernido holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute in New York with specialization in nuclear chemistry. Her other specializations and previous work in the nuclear and associated fields include nuclear spectroscopy; uranium (and associated elements) recovery and processing; uranium analysis by Delayed Neutron Activation Analysis (DNAA), Fluorimetry and Laser Excited Fluorescence; trace element analysis using Xray Fluorescence (XRF) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). She has also vast experience in Nuclear Science and Technology manpower development and training and in Non-destructive Testing Manpower development and training.
Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2011
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This report, which revises and updates a 2009 edition, summarizes the potential role of nuclear power in mitigating global climate change and its contribution to other development and environment challenges. It also examines issues such as cost, safety, waste management and non-proliferation. To read the booklet please click here.