Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML)
Purpose: This laboratory houses the nuclear instruments used in the measurement of low-level radioactivity in different types of environmental samples collected in various parts of the Philippines. Among these instruments are the co-axial  High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector,  EG&G ORTEC,  for gamma spectral analysis of samples, the BNC SAM-940, a portable sodium iodide gamma spectrometer for measuring ambient air gamma dose rates, the Alpha Suite: All-in-One Integrated Alpha Spectrometer (Ortec) for analysis of alpha-emitting radionuclides, and the DURRIDGE RAD-7 device, a solid state alpha detector for measuring radon and thoron gas concentrations.

For more information, please contact:

Health Physics Research  Section
Atomic Research  Division
Telephone: (+632) 929-6010 to 19 local  235/282
Telefax: (+632) 920-1646

CTBTO-IMS Radionuclide Monitoring Station RN52

The Philippines, through the PNRI, hosts the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) radionuclide monitoring station, RN52 Station, located in Tanay, Rizal. The CTBTO establishes the International Monitoring System (IMS) to ensure verification of compliance with the Treaty.

The PNRI Health Physics Research Section is assigned to operate and maintain the station. The primary function of the station is to provide continuous monitoring of the levels of radioactivity in air. This involves the collection of airborne particulate material on a filter, perform gamma spectrometry to identify radioactivity in the sample, and to electronically transmit the raw data to the International Data Center of the CTBTO in Vienna for analysis.

For more information, please contact:

Health Physics Research  Section
Atomic Research  Division
Telephone: (+632) 929-6010 to 19 local 235
Telefax:  (+632) 920-1646

CTBTO National Data Center
Purpose: The National Data Center,  NDC-PH (N137), is a CTBTO facility operated and maintained by the Health Physics Research  Section. The NDC coordinates with the International Data Center (IDC) through Global Communications Infrastructure (GCI) telecommunications. The NDC functions as the center for requesting services, data and products from CTBTO. It is through this system that global events could be observed via its secured website.

For more information, please contact:

Health Physics Research  Section
Atomic Research  Division
Tel: 929-6010 to 19 local 235

On-line Environmental Radiation Monitoring System
Purpose: During emergencies that lead to extensive spread of radioactive materials, such as nuclear power plant accidents, an on-line radiation monitoring system that provides real-time data of radiation levels across the country is extremely indispensable. Such system strengthens the capabilities of the PNRI in monitoring the spread of radioactivity in the environment and assessing its effects on the population. This in turn provides necessary information to decision-makers in time for them to take necessary actions for the protection of the general public against the hazards of radiation.

For more information, please contact:

Health Physics Research  Section
Atomic Research  Division
Tel: 929-6010 to 19 local  235

Regional Center for Marine Radioactivity Database
Purpose: The Regional Data Center for the Asia-Pacific Marine Radioactivity Database (ASPAMARD) located in PNRI serves as repository of marine radioactivity data submitted by 24 participating Member States in the region. The ASPAMARD is a compilation of available data on key anthropogenic and natural radionuclides in seawater, sediment and biota (fish, crustaceans, molluscs and algae) in the seas located in the Asia-Pacific region (600 E to 1800 longitude). ASPAMARD is one of the key outputs of the IAEA RCA RAS 7/021 Project entitled “Marine Benchmark Study on the Possible Impact of the Fukushima Radioactive Releases in the Asia-Pacific Region”. The PNRI as focal point, submits the ASPAMARD data to the IAEA’s Marine Information System (MARIS) formerly the Global Marine Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD).

For more information, please contact:

Health Physics Research Section  
Atomic Research  Division
Tel: 929-6010 to 19 local 235
