This Web page aims to remind the licensees and to encourage members of the public to notify and report a nuclear or radiological emergency to the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology.
Nuclear facilities worldwide involved in the production, use and transport of radioactive materials are designed to ensure that accidents affecting the public are unlikely to happen. However, experience in many countries has shown that advance emergency planning and preparedness are essential tools in mitigating the consequences of an accident and in controlling the radiation exposures of humans and contamination of the environment.
The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the lead agency in developing and preparing an emergency plan for radiation-related accidents that may affect the Philippines. This emergency plan is called RADPLAN or the National Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan. The RADPLAN was approved and signed on November 24, 2000 by then Secretary of National Defense Orlando S. Mercado who was also the Chairperson of the National Disaster Coordinating Council.

- What is a radiation-related emergency or radiological emergency?
- What are the different types of radiological emergencies?
- What are the levels of radiological emergencies?
- What is a radiation-related emergency or radiological emergency?
- What organizations will be involved in a national radiological emergency response?
- How will the operations in a national emergency be managed?
- What should the public do in case of radiation-related emergencies
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You may report a nuclear or radiological emergency by contacting PNRI for our immediate action: |
Trunkline: |
(632) 929-6011 up to 19
Direct Lines: |
Office of the Director |
(632) 920-8738 |
Nuclear Regulatory Division |
(632) 920-8796 |
Nuclear Services Division |
(632) 920-8784 |
Radiation Protection Services Section |
(632) 920-8757 |
Nuclear Information and Documentation Section |
(632) 920-8787 |
Radiological Impact Assessment Section |
Local 285 |
Nuclear Response Support Center |
Local 311 |
You may e-mail your concerns to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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What is a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency? |
A nuclear or radiological emergency is an event that poses an actual, potential or perceived danger to public health and safety from radiation emitted or produced by nuclear or radioactive materials.
Types of Radiological Emergencies |
- Emergencies from fixed nuclear or radiation facilities
- Emergencies occurring in the transport or loss of radioactive materials
- Emergencies from foreign sources having environmental or health impact on Philippines territories,
including the possible entry of contaminated food, other scrap
- Emergencies from re-entry of satellites with nuclear materials as component
- Emergencies from nuclear-powered ships
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What to do in case of a Terrorist Attack involving Radioactive Materials? |
The possibility of a terrorist attack using radioactive materials is no longer unthinkable. Since September 11, 2001, news stories have described several possibilities: an attack on a nuclear power plant, setting off a small nuclear weapon, or using a "dirty bomb". The latter is simply radioactive materials incorporated in a dispersal device. In any terrorist attack, the primary goal is to create PANIC.
This page provides some basic information on radiation, how it affects your body, and how you can minimize radiation dose during an attack. It also mentions the steps that a trained emergency-response personnel will do if an attack involving radioactive materials should occur. The measures that will help make public reactions as orderly and effective are briefly described.

- What is radiation and how does it interact with materials?
- How can the public recognize radioactive materials?
- How do you minimize radiation exposure?
- What will an emergency response personnel do in case of a radiological attack using radioactive materials?
- What can you do to help make the public response to such an attack as orderly and as effective as possible?
- What should the public do in case of an attack?