1. Instrument Repair
   Diagnostic - 800.00 per instrument
   Repair - 2,000.00 per instrument

Repair of Various Survey Meters for Internal and External Clients (2010-2015)

2. Decommissioning of Cobalt-60 Teletheraphy Machine
   - Cost: Php 200,000.00 per job + TC for per
3. Radioactive Waste Management

   *Regular repair jobs (to be determined by Electronics Group based on diagnostic)

 **To be charge for jobs requiring more complex procedures than the regular repair jobs.

 ***TC = Travel cost (includes transportation and accommodation when needed).

****Shipping cost for materials, equipment, and source

      Cost: Php 45,000.00 additional per units

For  fees and charges, click PNRI Fees and Charges

For more information, please contact:
Engineering Services
Nuclear Services Division
Tel: (+632) 9296010 to 19 local 263.
Trunkline: (+632) 929-6011 to 19 local 243
Telefax: (+632) 920-8789