Nuclear Training Services


COST (Pesos)


Radiation Safety Refresher Course (RSRC) (3 days) 4,200 per participant
Course on Medical Use of Radioisotopes (CMR) (20 days) 19,000 per participant
Course on Radioisotope Technology (CRT) (15 days) 19,000 per participant
Radiation Safety CourseRadioactive Sources in Industrial Devices (RSC-ID) (5 days) 6,500 per participant
Radiation Safety CourseCommercial Sale Involving Radioactive Materials and Low Activity Sources (RSC-CL) (2 days) 3,200 per participant
Training Course on Radiation Protection for RPOs of Industrial X -ray Facilities (TC-RPRIXF) (3 days) 4,200 per participant
Training Course on Security of Radioactive Materials (TC -SRM) (3 days) 4,200 per participant
Radiation Safety Course - Industrial Radiography (RSC -IR) Former: Radiological health and Safety Course for Industrial Radiographers - RCSCIR (10 days) 13,000 per participant
Radiation Safety Course - Medical Use of Radioisotopes (RSC -MR) (10 days) 13,000 per participant
Nuclear Energy Awareness Training (3 days) 4,200 per participant