Enhancing Agricultural Productivity Using Mutation |
Improvement of Traditional Rice Varieties by Gamma Irradiation(Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia [FNCA] Project on “Mutation Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture in Asia”) |
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Project Leader: |
for updating |
Project Staff: |
for updating |
Objective: | The project aims to improve the agronomic characteristics of traditional rice varieties using gamma irradiation, and to develop mutants that have desirable agronomic traits and are adaptable to organic farming. |
Brief Description: |
This FNCA project focuses on mutation breeding as a tool for sustainable agriculture in Asia by using gamma radiation and/or ion-beam. The project aims to establish mutant varieties that are: (1) resistant to various environmental stresses, (2) early maturing, and (3) low-input based on the country’s demands. The Philippines’ participation in this FNCA project employs the application of organic farming for sustainable agriculture through the use of organic and bio-fertilizers, as well as by spraying carrageenan. Two traditional rice varieties (Umangan and Native Borie) from the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) were used as breeding materials. |
Significance/Impact: | Development of promising mutant lines in two traditional rice varieties by organic farming or low-input agriculture will help in agricultural sustainability. Organic farming is more economical not only to farmers in terms of income, but also to the general public for better health and environment. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Farmers and general public |
Project Duration: | 2013 to 2016 |
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Enhancing Productivity of Locally Underused Crops Through Mutated Germplasm and Evaluation of Soil, Nutrient and Water Management Practices: Study 1: Enhancing the Agricultural Productivity of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) by Nuclear Technique, Soil and Water Management |
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Project Leader: |
for updating |
Project Staff: |
for updating |
Objective: | To establish best soil, nutrient and water management and practices for increased adlai crop productivity. |
Brief Description: |
This project is under the IAEA RAS 5/064 project entitled ”Enhancing Productivity of Locally-underused Crops through Dissemination of Mutated Germplasm and Evaluation of Soil, Nutrient and Water Management Practices”. To date, there are very few studies or technologies on nutrient and water management practices of adlai since this is organically grown. The use of stable isotope tracer technique had been developed as a tool in research and development particularly in areas of soil fertility, fertilizer sources, optimal and rational use of nutrients and efficient use of water. Thus, this technique has the distinct advantage of being able to provide a direct quantitative measurement of the influence of different factors on the environment (IAEA, 2001) and could also be used to complement the traditional method of assessing best fertilizer management for increasing productivity of adlai. |
Significance/Impact: | Improved nutrient and water management practices for increasing the productivity of adlai as an alternative staple food for Filipinos. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Farmers, researchers, local government units, and non-government units. |
Project Duration: | 2012 to 2015 |
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Enhancing Productivity of Locally Underused Crops through Mutated Germplasm and Evaluation of Soil, Nutrient and Water Management Practices: Study 2: Improvement of Adlai ( Coix lacryma-jobi L.) by Gamma Irradiation |
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Project Leader: |
for updating |
Project Staff: |
for updating |
Objective: | 1. To assess crop genotype response to nutrient and water use through isotopic techniques. 2. To develop mutant variety of adlai with desirable/improved agronomic traits using gamma irradiation. |
Brief Description: |
Adlai grows in many parts of the country but is underutilized. Adlai, also known as Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.), comes from the family Poaceae , the same family of grass to which wheat, corn and rice belong. The plant is considered nutritious and potentially a good substitute to rice and corn. It is 50 percent starch, 14 percent protein and only 6 percent fat. |
Significance/Impact: |
The application of isotopic techniques has been developed to aid in research and development particularly in areas of soil fertility, fertilizer sources, optimal and rational use of nutrients, and economic water use through direct application of techniques in agricultural farms. By this method, a package of nutrient and water management practices for adlai will be available in the future. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Farmers and agricultural sector. |
Project Duration: | 2012 to 2015 |
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S & T- based Soil Nutrient and Water Management for Coffee in the Philippines: |
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Project Leader: |
Faye G. Rivera |
Project Staff: |
Rallos, Roland V. |
Objective: | To formulate and update fertilizer recommendation for the top coffee producing areas of the Philippines. |
Brief Description: | This project activity will lead towards developing best soil nutrient management systems for increased and sustainable coffee crop productivity and quality through isotope tracers and related techniques. This will also allow the re-evaluation of the present farm practices to supply nutrient demand of coffee, and reduce losses by increasing crop nutrient use efficiency. As a result of this study, it will be promising to come out with a reliable set of recommendations that are of great value to our declining coffee farmers and end-users. |
Significance/Impact: | Improved and updated fertilizer recommendation for increased and sustainable coffee productivity and quality. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Backyard farmers, commercial coffee growers, researchers and scientists, government agencies, research and academic institutions, local government units and non-government organizations. |
Project Duration: | February 2015– December 2016. |
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Enhancing Agricultural Productivity in Mindanao through Nuclear Technology: Fruit Crops (Mangosteen and Cashew) |
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Project Leader: |
Ana Maria S. Veluz |
Project Staff: |
Aurigue, Fernando B. |
Objective: |
General: To develop improved high-value fruit crops (mangosteen and cashew) through induced mutations, in vitro culture and biotechniques. |
Brief Description: |
The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) has developed a Medium-Term Development Plan (NEDA MTPDP, 2005) for Mindanao’s transformation into the nation’s food basket through research and development intervention, infrastructure development, and application of postharvest technologies. In line with the Government’s effort in Mindanao, the PNRI Agriculture Research Section is applying mutation, in vitro culture and related nuclear techniques for the development of improved high-value fruit crops. |
Significance/Impact: | Improved mutant varieties of mangosteen and cashew. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Farmers, agricultural sectors, researchers and fruit industry. |
Project Duration: | 2006 to 2015 |
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Mutation Breeding of Priority Agricultural Crops: Component 1 – Ornamentals |
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Project Leader: |
Fernando B. Aurigue |
Project Staff: |
Veluz, Ana Maria S. |
Objective: | To develop new or improved varieties of Spathoglottis orchids, foliage-type Anthurium, Hoya, and other ornamental plants by gamma irradiation; to transfer the technology of developing new varieties by mutation induction through the use of gamma radiation to the private sector, and to initiate the establishment of a thriving industry for Spathoglottis orchids, foliage-type Anthurium, Hoya, and other ornamental plants with the help of the project cooperators. |
Brief Description: | The project deals with the use of gamma radiation in agriculture, specifically its application in plant breeding, to develop mutant varieties. Radiosensitivity studies, evaluation/ selection, vegetative generation advancement, and mass propagation techniques are its components. Short of registering the mutants produced with the National Seed Industry Council of the Bureau of Plant Industry- Department of Agriculture, the putative mutants generated become part of the germplasm which will be continuously maintained and observed as experimental materials. |
Significance/Impact: |
This project is supportive of the planned launching of export challenge for the floriculture industry in 2016 by the government and the private sectors. The project’s research, development and extension activities are in the confines of the PNRI thrust for agriculture. However, these activities would require the participation of the industry’s key-players like the officers and members of both the Philippine Orchid Society and the Philippine Horticultural Society to promote mutual cooperation between the proponent and the cooperators. Through PNRI, the government could provide gardening enthusiasts and entrepreneurs with new and improved varieties of Spathoglottis ground orchids, foliage-type Anthurium, hoyas and other ornamental plants that small and medium scale-growers may propagate and commercialize for added income and employment. It is hoped that the produce would be exported and may become globally competitive with other varieties of the same plant in the niche market. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Researchers, plant breeders, ornamental plant growers, commercial nurseries/farms, floriculture industry, hobbyists/private collectors, national and international germplasm collection (gene banks). |
Project Duration: | August 2007 to December 2015 |
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Nuclear Techniques and Fertigation to Improve Water and Nutrient-Use Efficiencies of Mungbean (RAS5/0/56) |
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Project Leader: |
Roland V. Rallos |
Project Staff: |
Rivera, Faye G. Mamaril, Hilarion E. |
Objective: | To increase water and nutrient utilization efficiency through improved fertigation and isotope tracer techniques. |
Brief Description: |
The challenge for crop production over the coming years will be to use agricultural inputs in a sustainable way. In general, nitrogen (N) becomes one of the most limiting factors for crop productivity, especially in irrigated agriculture due to its high mobility in the soil and its vulnerability to denitrification and leaching. To improve the efficiency of this costly nutrient, the fertilizer placement and method of application under these conditions need to be investigated. To meet the challenge, more precise techniques are therefore necessary in achieving a higher fertilizer use efficiency. |
Significance/Impact: | Development of sustainable and efficient mungbean production through improved fertigation technique. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Backyard farmers, commercial producers, water managers, water users associations, researchers and scientists, government agencies, research and academic institutions, local government units, non-government organizations. |
Project Duration: | 2012 to 2015. |
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Application of Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Efficient Nutrient and Irrigation Management in Corn Production | |
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Project Leader: |
Roland V. Rallos |
Project Staff: |
Rivera, Faye G. Espino, Armando Jr. N. Agulto, Ireneo C. Samar, Edna D. |
Objective: | To increase uptake and reduce loss of soil nutrients and water resources as well as to identify smart-farming technologies with high soil nutrient- and water-use efficiency through nuclear analytical techniques. |
Brief Description: |
Fertilization is one of the most important agricultural practices for increasing crop productivity. This plays a vital role on the growth and development and is very crucial for achieving optimum corn production. An equally important consideration in managing intensive corn production is the supply of sufficient soil moisture for proper crop growth and optimum production. |
Significance/Impact: |
1. Development of best fertilizer and irrigation recommendations for sustainable and efficient corn production |
Target Beneficiaries: | Backyard farmers, commercial corn growers, water managers, water users associations, researchers and scientists, government agencies, research and academic institutions, local government units, non-government organizations. |
Project Duration: | 2012 to 2016. |
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Water Balance and Loss Assessment of the Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation System (UPRIIS) and Magat River Integrated Irrigation System (MARIIS): Application losses in lowland areas irrigated by UPRIIS and MARIIS | |
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Project Leader: |
Roland V. Rallos |
Project Staff: |
Rivera, Faye G. |
Objective: | To assess the application losses in UPRIIS and MARIIS and recommend measures to increase water use efficiency. |
Brief Description: |
Irrigation has a very important role in Philippine agriculture. As the demand for industrial, municipal, environmental protection and other uses rises, less water will be available for agriculture. This limited amount of water for agriculture is further decreased in times of drought or emergency. There exists a national policy wherein domestic water supply gets priority over all others within the limits of its water rights. |
Significance/Impact: | 1. Assessments of water application efficiencies of different irrigation schemes for rice production. 2. Recommend measures for good water management |
Target Beneficiaries: | Government agencies (National Irrigation Administration, Department of Agriculture- Regional Field Units, local government units), policy makers, researchers, engineers and scientists, academic institutions, non-government organizations (irrigator’s associations, farmers association), private sector. |
Project Duration: | 2012 to 2015. |
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Nutrient Dynamics Assessment of Inorganic and Organic Rice-Based Farming Systems in the Pampanga River Basin through Lysimetric and Isotopic Techniques | |
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Project Leader: |
Roland V. Rallos |
Project Staff: |
Rivera, Faye G. |
Objective: | To increase utilization efficiency of soil nutrient resources in rice and rice-based farming and production systems through lysimetric and isotopic techniques. |
Brief Description: |
Soil and water are the basic resources in agriculture for food security. However, sustainable agriculture depends on maintaining an appropriate balance between the use and conservation of soil nutrients and water resources for crop production systems as well as for environmental protection. With the increasing cost of fertilizer inputs, one of the major challenges is to increase nutrient use efficiency. |
Significance/Impact: |
Harness the use of nuclear and isotope techniques in developing efficient and precise soil and water resources management adaptable to climate change. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Rice farmers, commercial producers, water managers, water users associations, researchers and scientists, government agencies, research and academic Institutions, local government units, non-government organizations. |
Project Duration: | 2014 to 2017. |
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Smart Farming-based Efficient Nutrient Management to Increase Sugarcane Productivity Through Elemental Tracer and Related Techniques | |
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Project Leader: |
Roland V. Rallos |
Project Staff: |
Rivera, Faye G. Guevarra, Marcelino M. Mandac, Rosemarie L. Tangara, Hermogene T. |
Objective: | To increase the crop utilization efficiency for nutrients, reduce loss of soil nutrients and reduce fertilizer application in sugarcane production through nutrient management using elemental tracer and related techniques. |
Brief Description: |
Most soils that have been planted with sugarcane in the Philippines are now in a state of low fertility as a result of decades of intense crop cultivation. Additionally, the current high- yielding sugarcane varieties being used have high nutrient demands. Therefore, it is almost certain that low and unacceptable yields of sugarcane will result if there is no judicious use of fertilizers and proper soil management. |
Significance/Impact: | Development of best fertilizer recommendations for sustainable and efficient sugarcane production. Increased farmers income owing to the reduction of farm inputs while increasing cane yield. |
Target Beneficiaries: | Sugarcane farmers, commercial producers, researchers and scientists, government agencies, research and academic institutions, LGUs, non-government organizations. |
Project Duration: | 2014 to 2017. |
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Food and Agriculture
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