The Nuclear Regulatory Division (NRD) performs the regulatory function of PNRI in licensing and regulating the possession and use of nuclear and radioactive materials and facilities, as mandated by Republic Acts 2067 and 5207, both as amended, and Executive Order 128 for the protection of the workers and the general public. The NRD also implements the PNRI Policy on Internal Nuclear Regulatory Control Program, and the coordination of nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response activities.

The NRD undertakes activities in support of international commitments on radiation protection, nuclear safety, safeguards and security of nuclear and radioactive materials and facilities

The following are the five (5) Sections of NRD that closely work together to ensure nuclear safety and security:

  • Regulations and Standards Development Section;
  • Licensing Review and Evaluation Section;
  • Inspection and Enforcement Section;
  • Nuclear Safeguards and Security Section; and
  • Radiological Impact Assessment Section

Regulations and Standards Development Section (RSDS)

RSDS formulates nuclear safety policy, develops and establishes nuclear regulations, guides and criteria consistent with internationally acceptable guidelines and best practices.

Licensing, Review and Evaluation Section (LRES)

LRES carries out the review, evaluation and assessment of applications to import, export, acquire, possess, transport, handle and use nuclear and radioactive material, and operate atomic energy facilities in order to ensure compliance with established regulations and standards. LRES recommends the issuance of license and prepares the license thereof.

Get to know how Radioactive Material License is obtained, please click FLYER.

Inspection and Enforcement Section (IES)

IES conducts inspection and enforcement activities/actions of licensed radioactive materials and atomic energy facilities to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and licensees’ commitments.

Nuclear Safeguards and Security Section (NSSS)

NSSS coordinates and carries out inspections in support of international nuclear safeguards commitment and the physical protection of nuclear and other radioactive materials and facilities, and coordinates the implementation of foreign-assisted projects on nuclear security.

Radiological Impact Assessment Section (RIAS)

RIAS implements regulatory research and studies in support of the various regulatory functions of the Nuclear Regulatory Division as well as plans and coordinates the nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response activities.

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Division Chief, NRD
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Tel No. (632) 8920-8796 or (632) 8929-6012 loc.213 or 244 
Fax No. (632) 8920-8796

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