Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
Purpose: The laboratory is used for plant tissue culture studies to aid in the PNRI's mutation induction projects.  Tissue culture activities, coupled with radiosensitivity studies, are being done for micropropagation, rapid mass propagation, vegetative multiplication as well as embryo culture of fruit and ornamental crops.

For more information, please contact:

Agriculture Research Section
Atomic R
esearch Division
Telephone: (+632) 929-60-10 to 19 local 294
Telefax: (+632) 920-1646
Plant Mutation Breeding laboratory

Overall processing of seeds, from harvest time up to the next planting season, is undertaken in this laboratory. The seeds that are processed  include the PNRI-developed mutant varieties of rice, soybean, mungbean  and seeds of fruit crops being studied for mutation breeding such as cashew. Gathering of data and pre-germination test  of the seeds are also undertaken in this laboratory.

Laboratory works for varietal improvement through mutation breeding of priority/important crops such as microscopy, gathering of data to compare the putative mutants with the original plants, asexual propagation, and pre-germination test of the seeds are conducted in this facility.  Overall processing of the following seeds, from harvest time up to the next planting season, are also undertaken in this laboratory: rice, adlai, mungbean, peanut, cashew, and ornamental plants, such as hoyas and anthuriums.

For more information, please contact:

Agriculture  Research Section
Atomic Research Division
Telephone:   (+632) 929-60-10 to 19 local  272
Telefax:          (+632) 920-1646

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Laboratory

This laboratory is primarily used for  research and development activities on a range of technologies for soil, water and crop management packages through the use of isotope tracer and nuclear-related techniques. The goal is to enhance agricultural productivity while ensuring the conservation of natural resources for sustainable crop production systems.

For more information, please contact:

Agriculture Research Section
Atomic Research Division
Telephone: (+632) 929-6010 to 19 local 237
Telefax: (+632) 920-1646
