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The PNRI Director recently issued a Policy Instruction which initiated the establishment of an Integrated Management System (IMS) for the whole Institute.  the IMS will integrate the requirements for safety, health, environment, security, quality and economic objectives in the performance of PNRI's mandated functions and operations.  The launch of the PNRI IMS was done with the help of experts/consultants from the IAEA.  For two weeks from September 27 to October 8, Dr. Nestor Pieroni, Dr. Adrian Verkooijen, and Dr. Heriberto Boado Magan interfaced with the PNRI management, conducted lectures and workshops on the IAEA Draft Safety Requirement DS338 on "Management System for Operating Organizations of Research Reactors."

The PNRI IMS will follow the recommendations of DS338 which states that "An integrated management system integrates all components of an organization into one coherent system so as to enable the achievement of all its objectives.  These components include the structure, resources and processes.  Therefore people, equipments and culture are part of the Management System as well as the documented policies and processes."

Through the IMS, the PNRI hopes to carry out its mission of rendering to society the benefits of nuclear technology applications and ensuring radiological safety and security, in an efficient and transparent manner, optimizing all resources, and satisfying all stakeholders.  The development and implementation of the IMS will be done in phases, and will be completed over a two-year period.