Dec. 6-11, 2004: Dr. Cherif Hadj Slimane, Director, Office Programme Development and Performance Assessment of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Dr. Reyad Kamel, Acting Section Head, Asia and Pacific Section of the IAEA; Dr. Peter Roberts, IAEA Expert on sustainability of Research Institutions and Ms. Florence Boisson, IAEA Technical Officer of the Harmful Algal Blooms project, are visiting the Philippines to review and assess the research and development institutions (RDIs) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), particularly in relation to nuclear technology. A seminar on the Technical Cooperation (TC) Programme of the IAEA was conducted at DOST, and a meeting with the heads of DOST's RDIs was also held early in the week for this purpose. The mission also covered a programme review of ongoing IAEA TC Projects, update of the Country Programme Framework and discussions on the IAEA 2005-2006 TC Programme in the Philippines.
Dec. 10, 2004: Dr. Jong Hyun Kim and Associate Professor Gyuseong Cho of the Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (NQe) of the Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Dr. Dae Ki Kim of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) Regional Office will visit the Philippines on December 10, 2004. The mission will give a tlak/orientation at the PNRI for engineering graduates and/or graduating students from the University of the Philippines, aiming to encourage the students to pursue a Master's degree program in Nuclear Engineering at the KAIST. The graduate program is being supported by KAIST and the Korean government, under a cooperative project of the International Atomic Energy Agency/Regional Cooperative Agreement (IAEA/RCA). A similar forum will be held at the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT) in Manila with students from the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) and De La Salle University (DLSU) participating.
Dec. 13-17, 2004: Mr. Kun Mo Choi, Director of the Regional Cooperative Agreement Regional Office (RCARO) and Mr. John Chung, Programme Officer of the RCARO will visit the Philippines in connection with the RCA Regional Meeting on Modification of Natural Polymers through Radiation Processing. Mr. Choi and Mr. Chung will present the projects and other activities being undertaken by the RCARO. The RCARO is mandated to increase RCA awareness to its stakeholders, including the public, and to promote additional partnerships for RCA projects for better RCA visibility and viability in the region.