PNRI Launches the new OSL Personnel Monitoring Services
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PNRI is now launching its new Personnel Monitoring Service that makes use of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dosimeters instead of the traditional film badges. This new Dosimeter system has a more advanced technology in terms of accuracy, handling, and evaluation of exposures received by personnel. For more details on the various options & its corresponding subscription details please click on the DOWNLOAD FORMS on the left side panel of the site.
DOST nuclear experts say do not be alarmed over NoKor satellite launch
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Experts at the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PNRI) stressed that there is no reason for the public to be alarmed in the event the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) or North Korea launches to orbit its earth observation satellite “Kwangmyongsong-3” on April 12 and 16 which many analysts say is a ballistic missile test.
PNRI Director Co-Chairs International Experts` Meeting in Vienna, Austria
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Philippine Nuclear Research Institute Director Dr. Alumanda M. dela Rosa co-chaired the International Experts` Meeting on Enhancing Transparency and Communication Effectiveness in the event of a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency upon the invitation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The international experts` meeting (IEM), which was chaired by Claude Birraux, First Vice President of the French Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices, was held at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria, on June 18-20, 2012. The other co-chair during the three-day event was Gordon White, Vice President of the Regulatory Affairs Branch at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
The objective of this IEM was to analyze relevant aspects for enhancing transparency and effectiveness in communications during a nuclear or radiological emergency, in the light of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, and to identify lessons learned and best practices for improving information dissemination.
Dr. dela Rosa made a keynote presentation entitled “The Philippine Experience in Communicating with the Public During the Fukushima Nuclear Emergency: Challenges and Lessons Learned” during Working Session II which she chaired on June 19.
The international experts` meeting was participated in by more than 180 communication experts and government officials from 63 countries and 13 international organizations.
Coordinated Research Activities
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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has announced its readiness to receive proposals for research contracts under its Coordinated Research Activities in 2012. The objective of this programme is to encourage and assist research on, and the development and practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful uses throughout the world. Research fields identified for this year include nuclear power, food and agriculture, human health, environment, industry, and nuclear safety and security.
The IAEA’s financial support of a project normally comes in the form of a lump-sum cost-sharing contract where the contractor (scientific investigator) is usually expected to bear part of the cost of the project while the IAEA contributes an appropriate percentage of the total estimated cost. Awards for support average €6,000 per annum per contract and contractors can avail of the opportunity to attend funded periodic research coordination meetings to meet and discuss with other experts/collaborators.
To obtain further details about the programme, you may visit