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The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute-Department of Science and Technology (PNRI-DOST) will feature the latest advances in nuclear science and technology in the fields of agriculture, industry, medicine and the environment during its 41st Atomic Energy Week celebration on December 9 to 13, 2013 at the PNRI compound in Commonwealth, Diliman, Quezon City.

As mandated under Presidential Proclamation No. 1211 in 1973, the annual AEW is celebrated every second week of December to help generate awareness of the Filipinos on the beneficial uses of nuclear science and technology.

This year’s celebration is themed, “Nuclear Science, Safety and Security: Road to Smarter Philippines,” in line with DOST’s theme for the 2013 National Science and Technology Week celebration in July. 

The 2013 AEW will focus on enhancing public awareness on breakthroughs in nuclear science and technology, as well as safety and security in undertaking activities involving radioactive materials.

“We also find it equally paramount that nuclear research and development will bring prosperity only if harnessed properly,” said Teofilo Leonin, chief of the Nuclear Regulatory Division and the 2013 AEW Executive Committee Chairperson. 

The Institute will provide free guided tours to the exhibits and selected PNRI facilities and laboratories to students, teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and the public during the week-long celebration. 

Assistant Secretary Jesus R.S. Domingo of the Department of Foreign Affairs will deliver the keynote address during the opening ceremonies on December 9. 

Experts will give presentations during the technical sessions on nuclear and radiation safety and security and on peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology: Technetium-99m Radiopharmaceutical Production, Graded Approach in Radioactive Material Licensing and National Contingency Planning Process on December 10; Nuclear Techniques as a Tool in Smart Farming, Radioisotopes as Environmental Tracers and Cyclotron and PET-CT on December 11.

Teams of high-school students from public and private schools across the country will compete with their knowledge in nuclear science and other related topics in the Philippine Nuclear Science Quiz (PNSQ) for High School Students to be held on December 12 at the PNRI Auditorium.

Cash prizes will be awarded  during the AEW closing ceremonies to the first, second and third placers in the final round of the PNSQ – P30,000, P20,000 and P10,000 respectively – as well as medals, trophies and plaques of recognition. 

For more information on the activities for the 41st Atomic Energy Week, please contact the PNRI Nuclear Information and Documentation Section at 920-8787 and 929-6011 to 19 local 286, or send your emails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit

Contact person for this media release:

Justina S. Cerbolles 
Information Officer 
Nuclear Information and Documentation Section 
Technology Diffusion Division 
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute 

Contact details:
Telephone no. : 920-8787 and 929-6011 to 19 lcoal 286 
Mobile phone no. : 09183322414 
Email address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.