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Two luminaries in the field of nuclear legislation were received by the PNRI for a one-week mission that seeks to assist the Institute in reviewing its draft bill governing the use and regulation of ionizing radiation.

Dr. George Philip and Dr. Carl Stoiber, who were dispatched by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), are now holding discussions with the officials of the PNRI. This series of meetings, particularly, with the Institute’s regulatory arm, comes on the heels of a seminar they conducted yesterday with other stakeholders such as the Department of Health, Department of Energy, Department of Justice, Department of Science and Technology, and legislative staff from the House of Representatives.

The proposed House Bill that is presently under review is intended to be an “Act to Regulate the Nuclear, Security and Safety Aspects in the Peaceful Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources through the Creation of the Philippine Nuclear Regulatory Authority”.

Though still at its earliest stages, the Bill’s approval and subsequent enactment is foreseen to contribute to the more effective regulatory control of radioactive sources and ionizing radiation sources, assuring a more adequate protection of the health and safety of the public.