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The Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) 2005 Workshop on Biofertilizer commenced on 9 January, at the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, with Science & Technology Secretary, Dr. Estrella F. Alabastro, keynoting the affair.

In her address, Secretary Alabastro expounded on the importance of biofertilizer and highlighted its contribution to the over-all agricultural program of the government.

Co-hosted the workshop is the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan with its representative Ms. Takiko Sano emphasized the significance of the application of nuclear technology in agriculture which has a large potential to contribute in the enhancement of the quality of life in the Asian region.

Dr. Tadashi Yokoyama, Project Leader of the Biofertilizer project in Japan, provided an overview of the Biofertilizer project, which showcases part of the cooperative efforts in the region at applying radiation and radioisotopes to benefit agriculture.

The Workshop features country presentations, special lectures, discussions on project evaluation and future plans, and a technical visit to the BIOTECH at the University of the Philippines in Los Baños and at a bio-N mixing plant in Capaz, Tarlac.

A total of eleven delegates from Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam flew in to attend the one-week Workshop, which is also participated in by four delegates coming from the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute and BIOTECH, UPLB, and by observers from the Bureau of Soils and Water Management.

The FNCA Biofertilizer Project is being spearheaded locally by Mr. Richard Balog of the Agricultural Research Section, PNRI.