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The RCA Regional Office (RCARO) in Korea has sent its Special Advisor, Dr. Carlito R. Aleta, on a mission to the Philippines - among other countries - in an effort to improve the visibility and increase the viability of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) Programme.

The visit to the region aims to explore potential partnerships with United Nations and other developmental organizations that would have programme thrusts in keeping with the Millennium Development Goals. The RCA programme implements nuclear technology projects in thematic areas such as agriculture, health, environment, industry and energy which seek to addres priority needs of the Member Countries through a regional cooperative framework.

While in the Philippines, Dr. Aleta was able to visit the World Health Organization, Asian Development Bank, Food & Agriculture Organization, United Nations Development Programme, and the International Rice Research Institute. He likewise met with the local RCA National Project Counterparts to gather success stories and acquire insights on the partnerships which they have established in the course of project implementation.

Dr. Aleta is the immediate past RCA Coordinator in Vienna, Austria, and the Director of PNRI prior to the incumbent.