The Philippines Nuclear Journal (PNJ) is the official publication of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (formerly the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission). It is devoted exclusively to accounts of researches, studies and activities on nuclear energy and related fields carried out in the Philippines, or by Filipinos in investigations done outside the country.
As of date, the publication of PNJ is now in its 14th volume. The quality of the Journal is maintained through strict reviews of technical papers submitted for publication by the Board of Editors and Panels of External Editors.
It is envisioned that through PNJ, scientists could harness the potentials of resolving the socio-economic challenges in the country and maximize the resources available in meeting these challenges.
The 2004 issue of PNJ includes five technical papers, five short communications and a commemorative essay. The commemorative essay on the experimental detonation of a nuclear device in 1958 in circumterrestrial space is dedicated in honor of the first death anniversary of Ilya Progogine, the 1977 Nobel Laureate for Chemistry,. The technical papers focus on different applications of nuclear S&T in agriculture, environment and physical science while the various short communications are initial studies that form the core of comprehensive investigative works in the future.
The PNJ is distributed to various school libraries and other government agencies. Its publication is funded by the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute.