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Top Photo: PNRI Agriculture Research Section Head Ms. Glenda Obra and Dr. Louella Lorenzana of the Department of Agriculture (4th and 5th from left) joined the other awardees for the Industrial Technology Category of the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) R&D Awards at the Manila Marriott Hotel. The awardees are also joined by PCIEERD Officer-in-Charge and Undersecretary for S&T Services Dr. Rowena Cristina Guevara (5th from right) (Photo from PCIEERD)


Bottom Photo: Mr. Roland Rallos (3rd from right) and Ms. Faye Rivera (extreme left) of the PNRI Agriculture Research Section and Ms. Edna Samar (2nd from left), Ms. Jacqueline Rojales and Mr. Allan Anida (2nd and 1st from right) of the DA Bureau of Soils and Water Management with their winning poster paper on increased crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency during the DA 2015 RD&E Agency In-House Review held from June 10-11 at the Holiday Inn in Clark, Pampanga

Scientists from the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) recently won several awards for their research projects and papers on agriculture in June this year.


PNRI Agriculture Research Section (ARS) Head Ms. Glenda Obra, Mr. Sotero Resilva from the same section and Dr. Louella Lorenzana from DA, were among the awardees for Outstanding R&D 2015 during the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) 5th anniversary celebration held at the Manila Marriott Hotel on June 30. Their project entitled “Establishment of Radiation Dose for Quarantine Treatment of Mango Pulp Weevil,Sternochetus frigidus (F.) in Philippine Super Mango“ won under the Industrial Technology Category of the PCIEERD R&D Awards.


Irradiation as a quarantine treatment for Philippine Super Mangoes was recently approved on October 1, 2014 by the United States Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (USDA-APHIS-CPHST). Based on PNRI’s research studies, a minimum radiation dose of 165 gray (Gy) is enough to make the adult mango weevil sterile, providing sufficient quarantine security for the Philippine Super Mangoes. The development of the quarantine treatment was a collaborative project with the DA Regional Field Unit 4B and was funded by USDA and the DA Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI).


Meanwhile, the research team of Mr. Roland Rallos and Ms. Faye Rivera, both from PNRI-ARS, along with scientists from the DA Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) swept three awards from first to third place for their research papers during the 64th anniversary of the DA-BSWM held from June 2-5.


Their paper entitled “The Use of Nuclear Analytical Technique in Improving Soil Test Calibration and Fertilizer Recommendation for Corn” won first place, followed by research on “Nuclear Techniques and Fertigation to Improve Water and Nutrient Use Efficiencies of Mungbean Mutant” for second place, and the paper entitled “Assessment of Inorganic and Organic Rice-based Farming Systems in the Pampanga River Basin Through Lysimetric Nutrient Dynamics and Isotopic Techniques” for third place.


The team also won 2nd Best Poster Paper and Most Promising Technical Research Paper for the lone poster paper presented under the On-going Projects Category during the DA Regional Field Office III 2015 RD&E Agency In-House Review held from June 10-11 at the Holiday Inn in Clark, Pampanga.