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iso qms 90012008

The Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute is now certified under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 standard for quality management systems, getting the Institute one step closer to its vision as an institution of excellence in nuclear science and technology, propelled by a dynamic and committed workforce in the mainstream of national development.

Certification International Philippines (CIP) Managing Director, Renato Navarrete, graced the formal ceremonies held on February 9 to personally award the ISO certification to PNRI.

“This certification indeed adds another feather in your cap, which has grown very big over the many years of accomplishments and successes here at your Institute,” he said.

During the formal ceremonies, PNRI Director Dr. Alumanda Dela Rosa thanked and congratulated all the employees and staff of PNRI for their indispensable efforts in achieving the certification.

“This is just the beginning, and I suppose this is not the hardest part. The hardest part is to fulfill our commitment and to sustain our certification, and this again requires the hardwork and cooperation of everyone of us,” exhorted the Director.

Quality management systems are implemented to be able to more efficiently achieve the organization’s various objectives and, moreover, to continuously improve service to customers, particularly through a process-based approach both in the performance and assessment of the work being done in the organization. These procedures are regularly audited to ensure that the various sections and units are meeting their respective quality objectives.

The certification was issued and took effect on December 4, 2014. This is an expansion from the certification of PNRI’s Nuclear Regulatory QMS since November 2008.