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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has announced its readiness to receive proposals for research contracts under its Coordinated Research Activities in 2012. The objective of this programme is to encourage and assist research on, and the development and practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful uses throughout the world. Research fields identified for this year include nuclear power, food and agriculture, human health, environment, industry, and nuclear safety and security.

The IAEA’s financial support of a project normally comes in the form of a lump-sum cost-sharing contract where the contractor (scientific investigator) is usually expected to bear part of the cost of the project while the IAEA contributes an appropriate percentage of the total estimated cost. Awards for support average €6,000 per annum per contract and contractors can avail of the opportunity to attend funded periodic research coordination meetings to meet and discuss with other experts/collaborators.

To obtain further details about the programme, you may visit