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          AGHAM Party-List Rep.  Angelo B. Palmones  is  joining the Regional Workshop on Train the Trainers for Nuclear Safety  focusing  on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organization on October 24-28, 2011 at the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS),  Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

          Under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),  the workshop aims to train trainers in planning and effective practice of public communication of nuclear energy and nuclear safety issues.

          He added that effective public communication can facilitate better understanding and appreciation of nuclear issues between the public,  policy makers and nuclear energy experts.

          The five-day workshop,  to  be attended by delegates from Asia, will discuss among others  IAEA safety standards in public communication and its implementation and crisis communication after the Fukushima nuclear  power plant accident.

          Rep. Palmones will lecture on media relations and the role of media  in effective  communication for public awareness and understanding of nuclear energy and safety.

(AGHAM, Vicky B. Bartilet)