This year's observance of the Atomic Energy Week culminated this morning with awarding ceremonies presided over by DOST Undersecretary Fortunato dela Pena and PNRI Director Alumanda M. dela Rosa.
Recognition was conferred on PNRI model employees, service awardees, special AEW commendees, and winners of the poster contest that was held during the week for Quezon City High School students.
The 34th AEW celebration had been a week-long affair that saw approximately 7,000 students and guests flocking to the Institute to tour the different laboratories and facilities, view technical exhibits, and listen to the lectures on the peaceful applications of nuclear technology.
Special guests also graced the occasion, such as Congressman Luis Villafuerte, who keynoted the Opening Ceremonies, DOST Secretary Estrella F. Alabastro, DOTC Assistant Secretary Dante Lantin, former PNRI Director Carlito Aleta, officers from the Nuclear Research Foundation, and other former employees of the Institute.
Both guest speakers during the week - Congressman Villafuerte and DOST Undersecretary dela Pena - acknowledged the role of PNRI in national development and exhorted its staff to intensify their efforts in promoting nuclear technologies as well as in making more people aware of the benefits they bring.
The annual observance of the AEW is, in fact, geared towards such end, hence the yearly opening of PNRI's doors to the public.
For this year, the organization of the AEW celebration was spearheaded by Ms. Estelita G. Cabalfin, who is Officer-in-Charge of PNRI's Nuclear Services and Training Division.