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2023 PNRI Update PNSO header

DOST calls on HS studes to vie for the first nat’l Nuclear Science Olympiad

The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is calling Filipino Junior and Senior High School students, or those in Grades 9 to 12, from public or private secondary schools in the Philippines, to join the First Philippine Nuclear Science Olympiad (1st PNSO) to be held this December.

To qualify, participating students must not be more than18 years old and must not be in enrolled or admitted in a university/college by 7 August 2024. This is because the winners in the PNSO will vie in the First International Nuclear Science Olympiad (1st INSO) to be held in the country on 31 July to 07 August 2024. Like the PNSO, the INSO is open only to high school students.

Each participating school may nominate up to three students who should be endorsed by the Department of Education Division Office or by the school principal/head.

Registration will be from 9 October to 17 November 2023.

The PNSO Screening Committee will evaluate the nominees according to set criteria and come up with the list of official participants. The list will be published at the PNRI website and social media pages on 22 November 2023. Participants will also be notified through email.

According to Dr. Chitho Feliciano, PNSO’s lead organizer, winners of the first PNSO will receive medals, cash prizes, certificates, and special prizes. Moreover, they will be trained by PNRI scientists and researchers in preparation for the first INSO in 2024.

Grand Prizes will include the following:

•             1st Place Cash Prize of Php 50,000.00 + Gold Medal + Certificate

•             2nd Place Cash Prize of Php 40,000.00 + Silver Medal + Certificate

•             3rd Place Cash Prize of Php 30,000.00 + Bronze Medal + Certificate

•             4th Place Cash Prize of Php 20,000.00 + Certificate

•             5th Place Cash Prize of Php 10,000.00 + Certificate

Interested individuals may download the registration form and PNSO guidelines at and email the filled-up forms and requirements to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.