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Philippines to participate in 67th IAEA General Conference

Highlighting the country’s progress and latest innovations in the nuclear field through its longstanding cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Philippines will once again participate in the 67th IAEA General Conference to be held at Vienna, Austria.

From September 25 to 29, 2023, thousands of delegates from 177 IAEA Member states will meet to further the Agency’s programs and projects and to showcase the latest developments in the nuclear field across the globe, both in its research and development applications and in issues involving nuclear safety, security and safeguards.

With the theme “Atoms for Philippine Progress”, the Philippines’ exhibit will feature several developments in nuclear R&D and public policy, invoking the IAEA’s thrust towards Atoms for Peace and Development.

These include the radiation-processed Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter which increases the yield of rice and other food crops, the Post-radiation Reactive Extrusion (PREx) research initiative, which will harness radiation to recycle plastics and modify them to new products, the Food Authentication Program using isotope-based analytical techniques, the re-establishment of the Philippine Research Reactor – 1 as a Subcritical Assembly for Training, Education and Research (PRR-1 SATER), the country’s first and only operating nuclear reactor training facility, the expansion of nuclear education programs in the country and the recent developments in the Philippines’ re-engagement in a nuclear power program.

Established in 1957 as an autonomous international organization under the United Nations system, the IAEA spearheads global cooperation in promoting the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. The Philippines became a Member State of the IAEA in 1958.