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HSen2023 3

HSen2023 4

House, Senate reps visit PNRI facilities

Representatives from various committees of both the House of Representatives and the Senate recently visited the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) to learn more about the Institute in relation to the PhilATOM bill it is currently advancing in both Houses.

Together with the DOST-Department Legislative Liaison Office (DOST-DLLO), the visiting reps including the Senate Committee on S&T, House Committee on Energy, House Special Committee on Nuclear Energy, and the office of Congressman Mark Cojuangco discussed possible future endeavors as part of the push for the creation of an independent atomic regulatory body.

PNRI conducted a tour to showcase its facilities, such as the Philippine Research Reactor-1 Subcritical Assembly for Training and Research and the Multipurpose Irradiation Facility to raise awareness on the nuclear S&T and ongoing research at PNRI.

HSen2023 1   HSen2023 2