Screenshot of the MOU signing between DOST-ITDI and DOST-PNRI represented by by Dr. Annabelle Briones (leftmost, upper row) and Dr. Carlo Arcilla (leftmost, lower row), respectively.
DOST-PNRI offers easier transaction to clients via ePayment system
Clients of the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) will now have quicker and easier transaction when paying for PNRI’s services, including permits and licenses. Through the ePayment system, clients will no longer have to travel to DOST-PNRI but will just have to log in to the online portal for their payment transactions.
Developed by the DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute, the ePayment System framework is composed of various interconnected information sub-systems which include modules on technical services, accounting, cashier, ePayment Portal. Commission on Audit, and Bureau of Treasury Remittance. The modules are integrated to the in-house developed enterprise information system of the DOST-PNRI.
ITDI allowed the PNRI to use the ITDI-developed ePayment System as stipulated in a Memorandum of Understanding signed January 27 by representatives of the two institutes.
“PNRI is the DOST agency with the most income,” said DOST-PNRI Director Dr. Carlo A. Arcilla as he thanked the ITDI for coming up with the system which enables clients to have convenient and accessible payment.
PNRI, since the pandemic in 2020, has set up an online appointment system to schedule face-to-face payments and prevent clients from congregating.
“We have many clients. They troop to the office in a designated place for their payment transactions, then go to Landbank to bring their proof of payment,” Arcilla said. Through the ePayment system, clients will no longer have to go to the bank as the system already includes the whole payment procedure.
“The ePayment system is a big help to our clients, who come from as far as Mindanao,” he added.
Covered by the ePayment system are transactions on PNRI’s training courses and services such as irradiation; nuclear, microbiological, and cytogenetic analyses; radiation protection; and nuclear regulatory. More information on these services can be found at