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PNRI Researchers Win Big at the 2019 DOST Intellectual Property Awards

The Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) once again took the lead for publications in internationally-recognized journals during this year's DOST Intellectual Property Awards (IPA) on December 10, 2019 at the Eastwood Richmonde Hotel in Quezon City.

This year, 12 scientists and researchers from PNRI won the International Publication Award for authoring and co-authoring 21 publications - the highest number among DOST agencies.

The awards were given by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), the Philippines’ leading advisory and scientific recognition body, for research outputs published in internationally-recognized publications such as Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) or Scopus-indexed journals in the last three years before the year of the nomination.

PNRI scientists and researchers have continuously garnered the awards since the first DOST IPA in 2013. This is the fourth year that PNRI has won the most number of publications among DOST agencies, having earned the same distinction in 2014, 2016 and 2018.