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nstw2018 tbn

37752331 666752447003497 1716737503823659008 o

37742971 666754670336608 1579739884011126784 o


PNRI Features Nuclear Applications at the 2018 National Science and Technology Week

Featuring the latest innovations in nuclear science and technology through its applications in food, agriculture and radiation safety, the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) participates in the celebration of the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) on July 17 to 21 at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.

With the theme, "Science for the People: Innovation for Collective Prosperity", the 2018 NSTW will feature interactive exhibits divided in four clusters depicting Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) at Home, School, Workplace and Marketplace.

For this year’s celebration, PNRI exhibits several projects and technologies in STI at Home, such as monitoring of radon, a radioactive gas, improved ornamentals through mutation breeding, nuclear analytical techniques for analysis of synthetic acetic acid adulteration in vinegar, and irradiation of burger patties for food safety.

For STI in the Workplace – Farmville, PNRI features its award-winning Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter as plant food supplement for mungbean that will improve the yield and quality of our food crops. Finally, PNRI also participates in STI in School with two learning stations on radiation detection and cloud chamber experiments, which will be more engaging to students in demystifying nuclear reactions.

Held annually every third week of July, the NSTW aims to recognize the contribution of science and technology in the development of the country and garner support from the public and private institutions for its sustainable development, according to the DOST.


Find out more about PNRI exhibits during the 2018 NSTW at our PNRI Facebook Page: