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IMG 0895   IMG 0920

IMG 0899

The Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) congratulates Dr. Soledad Castañeda on her appointment as the Institute's new Deputy Director. DOST Secretary Fortunato Dela Pena administered the oathtaking on October 30. 2017 at the PNRI auditorium in the presence of PNRI Director Dr. Carlo Arcilla, the PNRI senior staff and the employees of the Institute.

Dr. Castañeda previously served as the Chief of the PNRI Atomic Research Division for several years. Her area of expertise includes nuclear and isotope techniques in environmental studies, hydrogeochemistry and analytical chemistry. She headed several projects on isotope applications in freshwater studies, nuclear and related techniques in air pollution studies and radioanalytical and non-radioanalytical measurements in various materials.